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&#9561;寄付 早稲田大学への募金&#9570;政経130周年記念グローバル・リーダー養成ファンド&#9570; &#63351;アクセス 早稲田大学 大学院経済学研究科 各キャンパス&#9570; &#9568;データ集 シラバス検索╢研究者データベース╢早稲田大学リポジトリ╢研究シーズデータベース╢学術情報検索╢文化資源データベース╢ &#9569;検索 このサイト╢ 早稲田全体 目的別でお探しの方はこちら ╢ &#9567;Language JapaneseEnglish MyWaseda&#9570;お問い合わせサイトマップ Quick Link&#9675; &#63471; Graduate School of Economics早稲田大学 大学院経済学研究科 ニュースNews研究科についてAbout the School&#63343;研究科長挨拶理念・沿革・概要教員紹介プログラム紹介科目紹介修了生の声受験生の方へFor Prospective Students&#63343;入試制度変更のお知らせ入試・進学説明会入試日程 ・入試要項・過去問題過去の入試結果奨学金進学・就職実績研究科パンフレット入学予定者向け情報事務所・施設案内Q&#038;A在学生の方へFor Current Students&#63343;研究科日程・研究科要項科目登録・シラバス時間割研究指導修士論文博士学位申請各種規定・申請書成績・修了判定奨学金留学学生生活事務所・施設案内修了生の方へFor Alumni&#63343;校友ネットワーク証明書発行 &#9570;生涯アドレスの取得研究・活動実績Research and Other Activities&#63343;紀要・ペーパー国内外での学会・交流 &#63718;在学生の方へ留学 For Current Students 在学生の方へ 研究科日程・研究科要項 科目登録・シラバス 時間割 研究指導 修士論文 博士学位申請 各種規定・申請書 成績・修了判定 奨学金 留学 学生生活 事務所・施設案内 Study Abroad 留学 留学願/Application for Studying Abroad 留学センターや本研究科における派遣留学プログラム(交換留学、ダブルディグリー等)や私費による留学、奨学金による留学を予定している方は、プログラムの審査が決定した後で、所定の期間内に手続きを済ませてください。留学センターにおける派遣留学プログラムの選考に合格した場合には、本研究科への留学手続きをする必要があります。手続きに際しては、以下のフォームをご利用ください。 なお、海外機関で語学研修を受ける場合、「留学」扱いではなく「休学」扱いとなります。指定期間内に休学届を提出してください。 Students who are permitted to study abroad(exchange program, Double Degree, etc.), need to submit application form the Graduate School of Economics office in designated period.  Please refer to the following form for details. For students who are receiving language training program in oversea institutions, need to conduct application procedures for &#8220;Leave of Absence&#8221; instead of &#8220;Studying Abroad&#8221;. &#63341; 留学願/Application for Studying Abroad QTEM留学プログラム/QTEM Studying Abroad Program &#63340; QTEM留学プログラムとは/What is QTEM?&#63340; 履修要件/Completion Requirement &#63340; QTEM参加早稲田生からのメッセージ Messages from WASEDA's QTEM Participants &#63340; 留学生からのメッセージ Messages from incoming exchange QTEM students &#63340; QTEM学生の写真 Photos from QTEM Students&#63340; 参加条件 Requirements for Participation &#63340; 募集要項 Application Guideline &#63340; QTEM説明会 QTEM Information Session&#63340; FAQ&#63340; Privacy Notice QTEM留学プログラムとは/What is QTEM? The Quantitative Techniques for Economics and Management QTEMプロジェクトはヨーロッパおよびアジアの経済・経営系大学院が、国際社会で活躍する人材育成のための共同スキームを構築することを目的としています。参加大学院に所属する修士学生が互いに行き来し訪問先大学院の講義に参加しながら、とくに数量的手法に特化したカリキュラムを履修しながら経済・ビジネスを学びます。単なる語学留学とは異なり、統計学・計量経済学分野の専門知識を磨きながら、さらに要件の一つであるインターンシップに参加することにより、帰国後に国際的な企業で働くためのキャリア形成にも役立つプロジェクトです。 The QTEM was established in 2014 to nurture highly skilled Master&#8217;s students who can take an initiative in the international community. The QTEM Master offers a unique learning experience by providing participants with: strong foundations in management or economics, strong background in quantitative and analytical skills and the techniques applied to management or economics, strong international exposure through two study stays abroad at two prestigious institutions from the network of Academic Partners, and strong immersion in the reality of industry through a company internship. Through this program, students will acquire not only language skills but also specialized knowledge as well as working experience, which will make it possible for them to broaden their career options to work in international corporations.   特色あるカリキュラム/Distinctive Curriculum 現代的な課題となっているテーマのもとに集められた授業科目群(モジュール)が履修できます。 QTEM students are able to take courses relevant to the following modules which are closely linked to the modern social issues. QTEM Modules QTEM Modules QTEM sub-Modules Finance and Risk Management ・Controlling & Accounting ・Finance- Actuarial Sciences ・Finance-Banking and Management of Financial Institutions ・Finance- Corporate Finance ・Finance-Financial Markets and Derivatives ・Risk Management Applied Economics and Public Policy ・Micro-Economics, Contact & Auction Theory ・Policy-Making, Regulation and Pricing ・Public Finance & Tax ・Macro-Economic Models and Forecasting, Development Economics Innovation and Strategy ・Entrepreneurship & innovation ・Strategy and Industrial Organization Marketing and Supply Chain ・Marketing and Sales ・Supply Chain, Operations and Logistics Management Business Intelligence and Big Data ・Quantitative Techniques & Tools ・Business Intelligence Others (not a QTEM Module) ・Society & Culture   協定校・企業パートナー/Academic Partners(APs) & Corporate Partners (CPs) QTEMに参加する学生は、他の参加校のうち2校に交換留学できます。留学期間は1校につき1セメスターです。 Participants are able to do exchange in two APs. One exchange for one semester. QTEM 参加校には、以下の条件を満たす教育機関が選ばれています。 1)各国におけるビジネス・経済学のトップランク校/ 2)英語での講義を提供できる 3)とくに 数量分析に優れたカリキュラムを提供できる QTEM APs include: 1) Top Business, Economics University in the world 2) English-based courses 3) Curriculum specialized in quantitative and analytical skill and techniques  国際的に活躍する企業も数多く参加し、ジョブフェア、インターンオファー等を提供 Corporate partners interact with out students through recruitment fairs, internship offers, and presence in analytic conferences. 協定校の詳細/Further information about APs: https://www.qtem.org/en/academic-partners 企業パートナーの紹介/Further information about CPs : https://www.qtem.org/en/corporate-partners   紹介動画/QTEM Videos その他の紹介動画/Watch more QTEM Videos:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIhrx39bic3dXGl842Ra4VA/videos QTEM Global Info Session動画/Videos ・Morning Session: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/_5N90Oepp60VfPzXyWpIFeS8r0NRSkVdqLhVdqUksMXPuoy00QbY-gLsom5uizf4.a1cHurl6M2_l_3pX Passcode: plDT7#m6 ・Afternoon Session: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/32oElOK4msB-YahQPPqSMLuPqXojCKXt6H5pAKTRLLODibZVxHZj0s9OeisgABSL.0bwnVHiraoPV6tO1 Passcode: N25Ll.?x *QTEMプログラムの詳細について/For more details about QTEM: QTEM Official Homepage  履修要件/Completion Requirement 本校でのコース履修 交換留学(2回まで留学可能;2回目は任意;一回につき22以上Quantitative ECTSの履修が必要) インターンシップ(240時間以上;場所は任意;Quantitativeであるこ;卒業後の就業時間も参入可) GBAC(オンラインコース、グローバルグループワーク、データチャレンジなど) (注) 修士修了時期の延長、及び留学時期、単位認定等についてご所属の事務所までご相談ください。原則早稲田大学の1単位=2.5ECTs (NOTE) Please consult with your graduate school office about the extension of master program, period for studying abroad and credit transfer etc. In general, 1 credit in Waseda University=2.5 ECTS   入学直後にQTEMプログラムを開始することが可能? Is it possible to start QTEM exchange right after Master&#8217;s admission? *早稲田大学大学院経済学研究科の推薦入学者に限り、入学前受付を行っています。申請書類は入学前に受け付けておりますので、経済学研究科事務所([email&#160;protected])へお問い合わせください。 Only Students who will enroll in Graduate School of Economics with Special Admission, are allowed to apply for QTEM program before admission. For more inquires, please contact ([email&#160;protected])   QTEM参加早稲田生からのメッセージ Messages from WASEDA's QTEM Participants 【From Local Students】 Why QTEM? QTEM was perfect for me since I was interested in business/finance and, I also wanted to have a chance to study in Europe. I have been studying data analysis in my school and, I was always interested in applying my knowledge to the field of business/finance. However, I have never studied these fields and there weren’t enough courses in my school. Therefore, I chose to participate in the QTEM program. During my exchange, I took basic courses of business/finance to get an overview of each fields. I also took some courses close to my interest, such as financial econometrics and empirical research in management. By taking these courses, I was able to learn the most important basics and also, how to apply my data analysis experience in these fields. I have never lived or studied in Europe so I really enjoyed my time there. All courses were exciting and, I also enjoyed traveling around the continent during breaks. Through my trips, I was able to see world heritage sights and I also enjoyed learning the uniqueness of each countries. Why EDHEC and TUM? For my QTEM exchange, I studied in EDHEC Business School in France and Technical University of Munich in Germany. I chose these institutions since they were one of the top ranked schools in their field. EDHEC is one of the best schools in finance and TUM has a high reputation in its management programs. Since I was new to both finance and management, I wanted to learn the basics in the best environment. During my exchange, I took basic courses and also some advanced level courses. By taking these courses, I was able to learn the basics and also, the advanced topics in each field. In class, many professors introduced advanced studies or their research papers, and these were my favorite moments in class. Message for potential candidates Participating in the QTEM program is not easy. First you have to pass the GMAT exam to become a candidate. Even after you get selected, you have a lot of work to do. You have to actively participate in classes and work on your thesis remotely. Also, if you’re looking for a job, you have to do that while you are on an exchange. However, you will never regret from participating in the QTEM program. First, you can learn more about quantitative analysis and gain some international experience. Also, you can gain practical work experience by interning in corporate partners. But the most important is that you will make unforgettable memories with amazing new people, and this is why I recommend you to participate in the QTEM exchange program. And if you have any questions please feel free to send an email to me([email&#160;protected]). I’d be happy to answer your questions. RINTO KON 【From International Students】 “As an international student in Japan, I was always interested in gaining more international experience, and QTEM was exactly what I was looking for. I did my exchange at Goethe University in Germany. My exchange experience improved my understanding of business in an international context, while the QTEM experience taught me great analytical skills that are critical in my everyday work, while bringing me many friends who have been very helpful both in my career and life even today.” ZHAO Yifei 留学生からのメッセージ Messages from incoming exchange QTEM students Why QTEM? QTEM offers you everything that is needed for the future job market: academic partners, corporate partners and a great network. Academic partners offer you a variety of courses in economics, data science and IT within an international environment. This combination will let you stand out against others. You then have the opportunity to test your new quantitative and analytical skills within one of the corporate partners. Last and most important, your network will expand significantly. You will meet fellow QTEM students, alumni, local coordinators, student associations and QTEM staff all over the world. You are not just a “student number” within your home university, you are now part of the QTEM network.   Why Waseda? As a European, I always wanted to discover a culture that was completely different from mine. I wanted to experience a big “culture shock”.  Waseda, located in Tokyo, was able to make this happen. My exchange offered a unique view on the amazing, open, friendly, crazy, but respectful culture of Japan. You will never have the same experience as a tourist. In addition, Waseda offers QTEM students courses from the faculty of economics, commerce and the business school. There is enough choice, I highly recommend taking courses from the business school. Finally, Waseda has a great campus where you will meet people from different faculties and nationalities.   Messages for potential candidates Explore as much as you can and expand your network. For example, take (extra) courses in a variety of fields, study topics that are different from your major. You are given the opportunity to live in 2 to 3 different countries, take this chance. It is a privilege to be in QTEM during your exchange, you are connected to many academic and corporate partners. If you see the QTEM network as another bachelor “party” exchange, I would highly recommend you to study something else. QTEM offers you everything that is needed for your future, make the most out of it.   The video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwGkec1xdSE QTEM学生の写真 Photos from QTEM Students ▲Workshop for International Students ▲Japanese Style Drinking Party ▲QTEM Tokyo Club ▲QTEM Tokyo Club   参加条件 Requirements for Participation A. 経済学研究科修士課程、商学研究科修士課程、経営管理研究科修士課程のいずれかに在籍 B. ① GMAT Focus Editionスコア:605点以上 ※スコアが 555<605点の方は経済学研究科事務所([email&#160;protected])へ ご相談ください。 または、② 旧GMATスコア(またはGREの同等スコア):650点以上 ※スコアが600<650点の方は経済学研究科事務所([email&#160;protected])へ ご相談ください。 ※これからGMATを受験される方は、旧GMATではなく、GMAT Focus Editionをご受験ください。 GMAT の詳細はこちら☛https://www.mba.com/exams/gmat C. 学内選考の通過 A. Currently enrolling in one of the following Masters: Graduate School of Economics, Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda Busniess School. B. 1. GMAT Focus Edition score: 605 or above *If your score is  555<605, please consult to the GSE office ([email&#160;protected]). Or 2. Old GMAT score (or equivalent score in GRE) : 650 or above *If your score is 600<650, please consult to the GSE office ([email&#160;protected]). *For those who are going to take GMAT from now on, please take GMAT Focus Edition, instead of old GMAT. For more information about GMAT☛https://www.mba.com/exams/gmat C. Passing of internal screening 募集要項 Application Guideline 2025年度春学期出発 募集概要 最新の募集要項はこちらをご覧ください。 QTEMプログラムの参加申請はこちら!(参加者募集中2024/5/10 17:00まで)   Application Guideline for Spring 2025 Departure Please refer to here for detailed application guideline。 Please access here to apply for QTEM program!(Looking for more participants. By 5 pm 2024/5/10) QTEM説明会 QTEM Information Session 2025春出発QTEM留学プログラム合同説明会のご案内 QTEM Information Session for Spring 2025 Departure 日時:2024年4月24日(水) 12:25 ~(約30分程度) 場所: Zoom 言語: 日本語(資料スライドは英語、質問は日英言語で可能です) 途中参加・退室可 興味がある方は、ぜひご参加ください。事前申込はこちら Date & Time: 12:25- Wednesday, April 24th, 2024 (Around 30 minutes) Venue: Zoom Language: Japanese (The slides of Power Point is written in English. Questions can be asked and answered in Japanese and English) Partial attendance is also welcomed. We are waiting for your coming! Please click here for registration. FAQ Q1.QTEMに参加することで学位がもらえますか? A1.いいえ、学位に関しては、早稲田大学修了した時に授与される修士号のみとなります。QTEMの修了要件を満たせば、QTEM修了証(QTEM Degree)が発行されます。 Q2.授業は何語で行われますか? A2.授業は英語で行われます。 Q3.現地で英語習得の研修期間などはありますか? A3.いいえ、語学研修はなく、最初から現地の学生と共に通常カリキュラムを履修することになるので、高い語学能力が要求されます。 Q4.GMATスコアを申し込み期限までに提出できない場合申込みできませんか? A4.期限に間に合わない場合、一度経済学研究科事務所までご相談ください。 Q5.留学している期間に修得した単位は算入できますか? A5.はい、帰国後速やかに所定の期間に単位認定の申請をしてください。在籍最終学期に留学される方は、派遣先の成績証明書の発行時期によって単位認定ができない場合もございますので、ご留意ください。 Q6.標準終了年限の2年で卒業することができますか? A6.参加タイミングによっては延長生となる可能性があります。個々のケースによって異なりますので、必ず申込み時点で事務所で自身の修了までのスケジュールについて確認をしてください。 Q7.学費はどうなりますか? A7.早稲田大学へ所定額を払い、留学先には払う必要がない制度になります。ただし、滞在先での生活費についてはご自身の負担となりますのでご留意ください。 Q8.インターンシップ先をどうやって見つければいいですか? A8.基本的にはQTEMの要件を満たすものをご自身で見つけていただく必要があります。帰国後、たとえば内定が決まっている企業で実施し、認定をしてもらうという方法もあります。QTEMの認定証は経済学研究科を卒業後であっても、要件が満たされ次第発行されます。 Q1. Is it possible to obtain Master Degree by participating QTEM? A1. No, students could only obtain a Master Degree conferred by Waseda University and a QTEM degree which certificate the completion of QTEM program. Q2.In which language the courses will be conducted? A2.All courses will be conducted in English. Q3.Is there any training period for English during the QTEM exchange? A3.No, high English ability is required from the beginning since students need to take courses with local students. Q4.What if I couldn&#8217;t submit the GMAT score by application deadline? A4.Please consult with Graduate School of Economics office. Q5.Can I transfer the credits which I obtained during the QTEM exchange? A5.Yes, please conduct the application process right after you QTEM exchange during the designated term. Please note that students who are studying abroad in their last semester of enrollment may not be approved of  credit transfer depending on when the transcripts are issued by the host institute. Q6.Can I finish my Master program within 2 years? A6.You might need to extend your Master program in some cases. Please confirm with your affiliated graduate school office when you apply. Q7.How about the tuition payment? A7.Student only need to pay tuition fee of Waseda University, however you need to prepare living expense for QTEM exchange. Q8.How do I find an internship? A8.Usually students need to find an internship by themselves if they wish to obtain the QTEM degree. Some of the QTEM students do internship in the company where they get a job offer. QTEM degree is also able to be issued after students graduate from Waseda University. Privacy Notice Our Privacy Policy For Applicants, Students, and Alumni From Our Partner Universities In The European Economic Area and The United Kingdom With Student Exchange Agreements ページ先頭へ Page Top &#63344; 早稲田大学 大学院経済学研究科 JapaneseEnglish www.waseda.jp/fpse/gse 研究科について受験生の方へ在学生の方へ修了生の方へ研究・活動実績 お問い合わせアクセスサイトマップ Other sites 政治経済学術院 &#9570;政治経済学部 &#9570;大学院 政治学研究科 &#9570;公共経営大学院 &#9570;現代政治経済研究所 &#9570; 早稲田大学オフィシャルサイト(https://www.waseda.jp/fpse/gse/)は、以下のWebブラウザでご覧いただくことを推奨いたします。 推奨環境以外でのご利用や、推奨環境であっても設定によっては、ご利用できない場合や正しく表示されない場合がございます。より快適にご利用いただくため、お使いのブラウザを最新版に更新してご覧ください。 このままご覧いただく方は、「このまま進む」ボタンをクリックし、次ページに進んでください。 このまま進む &#63341; 対応ブラウザについて Google ChromeWindowsバージョン38 以上Macintoshバージョン38 以上Webサイト Fire FoxWindowsバージョン33 以上Macintoshバージョン33 以上Webサイト SafariWindowsバージョン38 以上Macintoshバージョン38 以上Webサイト Internet ExplorlerWindowsバージョン10 以上Webサイト

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